
Learn About the Bitcoin Trading

About Bitcoin: A bitcoin is the same as currency, though it is digital in form. You can save it, invest it and spend it. Crypto-currency once circulated the market and gave rise to the Bitcoin. This started in 2009 by an anonymous person with a nickname of Satoshi Nakamoto. The bitcoin has gained popularity during this year as its rate jumped from $ 2 to $ 266. This happened during the months of February and April. A process known as mining is said to generate Bitcoin using powerful computer algorithms called blocks. Once a block has been decrypted, you earn about 50 Bitcoins. Usually, solving a single problem takes a lot of time, maybe a year or so. If you can't do so, then there is another medium to get these Bitcoins; that is you simply buy them. Working of a Bitcoin: When you buy a Bitcoin you exchange your physical money and get the digital currency in the form of a Bitcoin. It is very simple, if you want to exchange currency you have to pay for it in order to get that currenc...

Thinking of Investing? Think the Bitcoin Way

  What is Bitcoin? If you're here, you've heard of Bitcoin. It has been one of the biggest frequent news headlines over the last year or so - as a get rich quick scheme, the end of finance, the birth of truly international currency, as the end of the world, or as a technology that has improved the world. But what is Bitcoin? In short, you could say Bitcoin is the first decentralised system of money used for online transactions, but it will probably be useful to dig a bit deeper. We all know, in general, what 'money' is and what it is used for. The most significant issue that witnessed in money use before Bitcoin relates to it being centralised and controlled by a single entity - the centralised banking system. Bitcoin was invented in 2008/2009 by an unknown creator who goes by the pseudonym 'Satoshi Nakamoto' to bring decentralisation to money on a global scale. The idea is that the currency can be traded across international lines with no difficulty or fees, th...

Bitcoin and Binary Options Trading

Binary options have been becoming more and more popular in the last 2 years. This type of trading has been desired among new traders as they don’t need to actually buy anything, just predict whether the asset will move up or down in specified time frame. Those trades are happening in short time frames (30 sec, 1 min, 5 min) but might be months too. If the trader predicted wrongly, they will obviously lose their money. If the trader was right in his / her prediction, they will receive 80-85% payout, depending on the broker. Binary options are sometimes referred to as 'all-or-nothing options', 'digital options', or 'fixed return options' (FROs), which are traded on the American Stock Exchange. Bitcoin (BTC)   is a digital currency which is created and held electronically and no one controls it. "Bitcoin is an online payment system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, who published his invention in 2008, and released it as open-source software in 2009. The system is...